Galerie MALLORCA MATCHPLAY – Series 2023/2024

Winner photos Mallorca Matchplay 2023/2024 for the dream cruise sponsored by Hapag-Lloyd Cruises

Last photo in the series: Norbert Gerkens, Bärbel Gerkens, Daniela Modrok, winner Rosa Wertli, Roman Wertli, Marina Gallego

Photos: Sebastian Christoph

Signing of the contract for the sponsorship of Vino de la Isla in the Mallorca Matchplay Series 2023/2024 with Björn Jürgensen (l.) and Cristina Peña (2nd from left), Daniela Modrok (2nd from right) Norbert Gerkens (r.).

Norbert Gerkens (l.) with main sponsor Thomas Schwer (r.) from Schwer & Partner on a promotional round of golf in Golf Son Antem.

Sponsorship partners

Hapag Lloyd
Black Forest digital assets und Mallorca Matchplay
private green sponsor Mallorca Matchplay
hülset nest Mallorca Matchplay
Mallorca Marketing Team SL, Social Media Agentur Mallorca, Google Agentur Mallorca, Instagram Agentur Mallorca, Facebook Agentur Mallorca TikTok Agentur Mallorca, Onlineagentur Mallorca, Online Marketing Agentur Mallorca
